Sunday, December 13, 2009

How to strengthen the immunity of the child?

Immunity - the natural ability to fight infections and block them. Children up to age six or seven of the immune system differs from the adult immune system, because up to that age is not a normal development of immunoglobulins and cellular immunity continues to evolve until the time of puberty. How to strengthen the immunity of the child?

Signs of impaired immunity in the baby, are:

1 - Part of the disease - the baby of the year may perebolet seven, eight, or more times.

2 - A lot of complications and long duration of the disease: if the other kids tolerate cold easily, for two or three days, your baby may be ill for weeks, "prihvatyvaya" complications such as tonsillitis, otitis media, etc.

3 - General lethargy, weakness of the child, his "ability" to seize the disease literally "on level ground."

In addition to these modes of acquiring immunity from certain diseases, such as vaccination, there are other ways to strengthen the immune system of a baby. This is, firstly, the immune-boosting tools, but they need to give the child only if there is a doctor's prescription. If no such requirements, we can strengthen the immunity of the child naturally.

First of all, this will help to hardening and physical exercise. Do not force the child to such procedures, it is better to invest them in the form of the game: It's so fun to play catch-up, a skipping rope, and then take a shower or climb a swim in the pool. True, the first partner in such games and the procedures for the child are his parents, however, and it is also not hurt.

In addition, to strengthen the immunity is very important to proper nutrition. The child should receive a full and healthy foods, proteins, fats and carbohydrates in sufficient quantity. If parents are attracted to raw food diet, vegetarianism, or other similar programs, nutrition, they should not since childhood, forcing the child to share their passions: baby grows up and he will choose, whether to follow parental example.

Also, you must properly clothe the child. Tiny, of course, should not be cold, but too warm - too. Our grandmothers were wrong, putting children and grandchildren in a cool day, "a hundred odezhek", and another hat, mittens, two pairs of warm socks, etc.

Overheating of the body leads to a weakening of immunity, thus increasing the likelihood of disease.
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Sunday, November 22, 2009

At what age are divorced more often?

Creating a family, people do not think that in their marriage can come crisis. How to determine what period in the life of husband and wife is the most dangerous and unstable?

British sociologists have set the age for men and women, which is committed to achieve the most divorces.

Thus, according to statistics, more often than are applying for divorce, men and women aged 30 years and younger - of 26,8%. But the older the spouses, the less likely that they disperse.

Also it was found that at present men and women marrying for the first time much later than 10 years ago. The average woman marries the first time in 31 years, and a man - in 29 years.

10 amusing facts about sex

1. At the head of the clitoris is focused record number of nerve endings - 8000. And on the penis - half: 4000.

2. Ultrasound studies have shown that in the last trimester of development in embryos male erection occurs.

3. The tension in the pelvic area, and stress can provoke a reduction in the length of the penis. This problem disappears when the relaxation of the muscles of the pelvis.

4. 1% of women orgasm from stimulation of the breast.

5. Italian method - this is not a genre of contemporary art, but a way of putting on a condom mouth.

6. Studies show that lesbian scene excite women no less than the traditional erotic

7. Of the 100-200 million sperm in the ejaculate, only 200 reach the egg

8. In the United States annually around 128 000 Slumber Party, where women come together to talk about sex. <
9. According to studies, sexually active men aged 18-19 years, satisfied with their external (and internal) state, have more sexual partners. Girls, satisfied with their appearance, in contrast, avoid indiscriminate links.

10. In 2005, Missouri issued a decree prohibiting local beauty salons do hair removal bikini zone to minors without parental permission.

Sex does not happen a lot?

Situations where sex is small, fairly examined, the problems of frigidity and impotence in the literature paid much attention. But no less frequently encountered situations where problems arise when a lot of sex. Sexual addiction or nymphomania, is significantly increased sexual desire.
Statistics confirm that of the three men, one dream at least once in life to meet oversexed woman, but luck is not all. In the men's community, there is a myth that these women a lot, but in fact these nimfomanok very little - about one in 2,500 women.

The name of "nymphomania" arose from the ancient Greek myths. According to legend, the mythical nymph, in which the ancient Greeks believed, lured men into the forests to satisfy their lust. The Greeks believed that it is the nymphs have taught people of different postures and lots of other amorous tricks. But she nymphomania - not fiction and not a myth.

Hard to say what it is for women's hypersexuality - a blessing or a curse. Nymphomaniac sometimes themselves not welcome his hypersexuality. These women often feel izvraschenkami or loose. Because of the conviction oversexed ladies prefer not to publicize their problems and deal with casual partners.

Hypersexuality can provoke the emergence of a variety of reasons:

- Hormonal malfunction
- Various diseases,
- Taking some medicines,
- Psychological problems
- Various natural physiological processes (eg, pregnancy)

Even the wearing of certain clothing can provoke nymphomania. For example, the wearing of corsets ladies close in 17-18 centuries contributed to the active flow of blood to the pelvic region and cause permanent sexual arousal, which also created the myth of the loving ladies of the Renaissance.

Nymphomania, if it is linked to hormonal disturbances in the female body, may occur after complicated childbirth, abortion, trauma or serious illness. Even very young girls may suffer from nymphomania. For example, those who very early onset of sexual life. It is noticed that the girl nymphomaniac often faint, they have weight and menstrual irregularities. By the way, teenagers often find themselves using sex as an opportunity to break away from their parents. That is, they are not looking for sex and love, which they paying a lot at home. In adulthood, these girls are likely to experience increased demand for sex because of clear association, formed in adolescence: "If you have sex with me - hence my love. But take nymphomania, according to sexologists, such "hypersexuality" is hardly possible.

Sexual addiction - a frequent phenomenon during the female menopause. Here is your "old fool" and "Baba berry again. The devil here, however, nothing to do - the reason again in hormones. They are responsible for the fact that during menopause, some women find that all the time to have sex. Such nymphomania, fortunately, temporary and rarely lasts more than two years. Sexual addiction during menopause is more common among women who at an early age suffered from lack of orgasm or early sexual activity ceased for various reasons.

The cause of neurotic hypersexuality can be a feeling of inferiority, lack of faith in their own sexual capabilities that they require constant monitoring, verification. All this leads to cancellation of their weakness, ie, the desire to take new and "victory".

During pregnancy, if it passes without major complications, most women begin to feel a certain point rise in their own sexuality, she seemed to grow with them, together with the stomach. This often causes mums remorse: "How can that be, we should think about the child, and I'm about sex." In fact, this should not be ashamed of. Enhancing sexuality associated with hormonal changes in women's body. So enjoy the moment when sexuality is the same naturally not slowed down.

Women with hypersexuality multiorgastichny, ie able to experience not one but several bright orgasms. In more severe cases, orgasm occurs from the very beginning of the stimulation of erogenous zones, or even without it, with an increase in excitation, lasts up to 1 hour or more, taking a sinuous pattern, can occur at any form of stimulation: the sexual act, with erotic dreams and even under the influence of inadequate stimuli (there are cases when the orgasm comes to women when you travel by public transport under the influence of the motor vehicle). Satisfaction in the form of detente and the recession or the excitement comes a short time, or does not occur. In these cases, the excitation with every orgasm growing.

But well, if your sexuality coincides with the desires and capabilities of partners. And if not? Not one man advanced years, or even old, but with a weak heart or high blood pressure, ended their lives on the bed of love. More often excessive in intensity and duration of sex leads to sexual trauma on both partners. So count on their own strength and correctly evaluate the possibility of a partner. We should not be in bed miracles concerning the duration and intensity of the sexual act. Moreover, the high sex (with exquisite caresses and stormy orgasm) is not bound to be many hours in duration and daily ad nauseam.
Sometimes the excessive intensity of sexual desire finds expression in pathological masturbation or in sexual orgies. Along with this more frequently quite healthy young women and men with strong and relatively early awakening of sexual desire, daily experiencing sexual needs. The boundary between the extremes of the norm and pathology in these cases is very relative. And sometimes the husband can take over an overabundance of sex just broke out of his wife or her initiative, the increased persistence in achieving their own erotic pleasures. These changes in the behavior of women often associate partner with the fear of loss of control, and may even lead to temporary impotence.

Do I have to treat hypersexuality?

Seeking medical attention should be mandatory. If the hypersexuality lies a serious illness, it is important to recognize in time. But when a woman needs two orgasms a day, it is easy to get and not experience any problems from their hypersexuality, then treat it is not necessary.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How to protect yourself from medical errors?

Only in the U.S. because of them die from 44 to 98 thousand people annually. It's more than from cancer, AIDS or car accidents. The whole blame for mistakes of doctors.

Errors in diagnosis, prescription drugs, or during surgery can lead to the death of the patient. At admission the patient who needs a strict diet, fed normal diet. Due to illegible handwriting of a doctor in the recipe gives the pharmacist is not a cure. The surgeon makes an operation on a healthy footing. Many are afraid to go to the hospital and go to the doctor because of these mistakes.

Solution to this problem exists and it is in your hands. A patient who seeks information about his condition, has a better chance of recovery. Modern health care system is quite complicated, and good communication between doctor and patient is very important for effective treatment.

Insufficiently informed about their disease the patient is unlikely to be actively involved in treatment. Such a patient probably will not be accurately implement the recommendations of a physician. It is therefore essential to find a doctor with whom you feel comfortable - which you can ask the right questions and obtain clarification. Patients perceive the way they are treated, much less the victims of medical errors.

How to prevent errors?

* Be active and interested. Try to understand all that concerns your health or treatment. Only a conscious, informed decisions yield good results.
* Be sure to call your doctor all medications (including OTC medications and dietary supplements) that you are taking. This will avoid the wrong destination. Some drugs do not mix with each other and may reduce or increase the effects of other drugs.
* Tell your doctor about all cases of allergy to medications that you have. Ask about your medications. Specify the method and duration of its use, side effects and possible interactions with other drugs.
* When buying a medicine, double-check that this is precisely the medicine that doctors prescribe. 88% of errors due to the fact that the pharmacy did not issue a medication or need medication in the wrong dosage.
* If you need hospitalization, try to find a specialized hospital. The more experienced doctors, the more likely to receive quality treatment. This is particularly true of surgical intervention.
* Do not hesitate to point to the need for health care workers to wash their hands. Unfortunately, doctors and nurses do it regularly. Vigilance patients makes health-care workers to wash their hands more frequently and more thoroughly.
* If you are recommended to do an operation, make sure that you yourself, a surgeon and your doctor are convinced of its necessity and a clear idea of what will be done. Alas, the operation of healthy limbs and organs still occur. While you are not given anesthesia, ask your doctors that they are going to operate.
* Do not be afraid to say that you are interested and care about. Do you have a right to know everything that relates to your health.
* While in the hospital, make sure that the attending physician on duty, or follow the progress of your treatment. This is especially important if you have not one but several diseases.
* Ask a family member or friend to represent your interests. It is necessary in those cases when you are not able to do so.
* Remember that "more" does not mean "better". Appointment of additional examinations or drugs does not mean that they'll really need. Be sure to ask the doctor why he had appointed them.
* Do not believe that the lack of news - good news. If you have done some analysis, find out its result.
* Gather information about their disease and its treatment methods. Talk to your doctor and use other available sources. Indicate whether the designated course of treatment with the most modern and efficient.

Life after cancer: a plan of salvation

So, the first stage of treatment of malignant tumor behind. This is huge progress, and most people want to quickly forget about their diagnosis and return to normal life.

But often it is very difficult. Cancer changes lives - and the present, and future.

* Possible long-term effects of treatment (post-surgical scarring, pain, disruption of organs).
* You may need psychological and social support to re-establish their lives.
* There could be difficulties with finances and work.
* If you had cancer, the chances of recurrence of disease. May resume the same or develop other cancers.

Cancer is better regarded as a chronic disease like diabetes or arthritis, and on this basis, develop a plan for their future lives, or "rescue plan".

"Plan of Salvation

It should consist of two parts: history and plan of rehabilitation activities.

In the history of the disease must be gathered all the information about the disease. Take this information with them every time when you seek a new doctor - it will help him to choose the right treatment is needed.

Medical history includes:

* For information about the tumor: type, location, size, stage
* Results of tests and examinations
* Designated courses of treatment: the date of appointment, dosage
* Contact physicians and medical institutions, who have treated you
* Contact a doctor, whom you see now.

The plan of rehabilitation measures will help to assess your current state of health and to understand what to do to stay healthy. Ideally, this plan covers all aspects of life.

The plan of rehabilitation activities should include the following information.

* Schedule of tests and surveys indicating who and where they should do
* Information about long-term effects of treatment
* The list of suspicious symptoms that may indicate a relapse
* Recommendations for a healthy lifestyle (proper nutrition, weight control, physical activity, smoking cessation).
* Information on possible sources of assistance (funds and charitable organizations)
* Information about drugs for cancer prevention (eg, in breast cancer - is tamoxifen).
* Directions for physiotherapy procedures, a psychologist, etc.
* Information about organizations that provide assistance to patients

A few words about the "plan of salvation"

After treatment they feel abandoned. Sometimes they do not even know that they needed "treatment after treatment and who can give them this support.

"The plan of salvation" - this is a bridge between past and future. Seek and collect information regarding your condition. This will help get the necessary assistance and support. "Plan of Salvation" will not allow cancer to attack you again.
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Doctor and patient: a contact!

At your doctor's handwriting legible? Do all of what he said at the reception, you understand? In a clear if he explains how to take medicine or to prepare for the survey?

I'm sure many will answer these questions is negative or "not at all". There are patients with very complex medical problems, someone takes several medications, some bad can read ... These and many other factors complicate the understanding.

Health literacy

Health care needs of people all over the high awareness of medical issues. More and more new drugs, which are immediately incorporated into standard treatment regimens. To understand this diversity, you need to constantly improve their literacy in matters of medicine.

At the patient lies more responsibility. At the time of our parents after a heart attack patient just been prescribed bed rest and aspirin. Now, in addition to taking the medication, recommend to quit smoking to control weight and cholesterol.

Few knowledgeable in medicine more often than people who are poorly able to read, and old people with impaired vision and hearing. To be sure, knew whether his patient, the doctor may ask him to repeat what I said.

Maximum benefit from the visit to the doctor

Here are some tips for those who do not fully understand your doctor.

Before taking:

* Write down your questions and doubts.
* Accurately record the symptoms in detail and tell your doctor.
* Gather information about the courses of treatment that you passed earlier.
* Make a list of medications that you are already taking.

At the reception:

* Honestly tell your doctor that you are concerned.
* Describe all symptoms. Clarify when they appeared, how often arise and whether deterioration.
* Mention all the risk factors associated with your lifestyle and heredity.
* Ask questions. Make sure that you understand your doctor. Clarify the meaning of obscure terms. Understand how and when to take medicine, what to do if you forget to take it. Specify any medication, food and activities should be avoided while taking the drug and what side effects may occur.
* Write down the doctor's recommendations.
* Bring a friend or relative if you are not able to understand the words of the doctor or not hear it.
* If you have a concern, say so. The doctor must know whether the treatment helps, and if you follow his instructions.

If you need to do tests, specify:

* Why it is necessary and what tests should show.
* Represents a procedure some danger.
* When the results are ready.
* How to prepare for the delivery of tests and how they will be.
* Who will do tests.
* Will you need help to get then to the house.

If you need medical procedures, specify:

* Do they represent any danger, and whether side effects.
* What gives these procedures.
* Who will hold them and whether the direction.
* Do I have to go to the hospital and, if so, how.
* Will you hurt.
* How long will the recovery period.

Use the directory of medicines, to identify possible contraindications and side effects of your medications.
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Your health - in your hands!

Mostly information will help you and to the doctor, and in life. In the end, to maintain your health should not only be a doctor, but you yourself.

Studies show that people who are knowledgeable about how and what they treat, are better able to take care of themselves.

Knowledge - force. It helps patients make the right decisions.

Doctors are very loaded work. They rarely give a patient more than 15 minutes of his time.

The most important thing - symptoms

Diagnosis depends on what you tell your doctor. Not being sufficiently prepared, many important symptoms of the patient is simply not paying attention.

Often, only the patients themselves have enough time to assess their condition. There are thousands of diseases and the doctor usually specialize on just a few of them. The more information you provide at its disposal, the faster will be put to the correct diagnosis.

In addition, well-informed patient knows what questions to ask your doctor. He spoke with a doctor in one language.

Take responsibility for yourself

Once you read this, then you have already begun to do so. Here are a few tips.

* Before you visit a doctor, try to prepare for and somehow clarify the situation for himself. This at least you'll understand what is at stake, and be able to ask important questions. For example, if you have a sore knee - read about its structure.
* Find information about your symptoms and possible ways to treat them. So you will understand what treatment is chosen physician.
* For information use only reputable sources.
* How can we effectively use the time at the doctor. Search information before visiting the clinic can save precious time.
* Advance make a list of questions and issues that you want to discuss with your doctor.
* Find out what you need to take the survey and discuss them with your doctor.
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